Daily Anthem – 15 December 2015: ‘If I Had A Gun’ by Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds

This is one of the most beautiful love songs I know. I could not tell you what it is about it, but it gets me every time. It makes me stop what I am doing and listen. It gives me that tingly feeling. I just simply love the words and the melody. It does something magic.

Daily Anthem – 13 December 2015: ‘Við Spilum Endalaust’ by Sigur Ros

Sigur Rós have been one of my favourite bands for years. I am very excited that they will be touring in 2016 and I will definitely try to catch them, whether in Holland or the UK.

Yesterday we did quite a bit of driving and played their album Með Suð í Eyrum Við Spilum Endalaust quite a bit. We used music from that for our wedding ceremony (just had our fifth anniversary), so it’s kind of special. 🙂

(almost) Daily Anthem – 11 December 2015: ‘Where Is My Mind’ by Pixies

Sort of appropriate, as I have been all over the place this week. We have lots of decisions to make as to our house being built, but it’s almost too much, so we just procrastinate and not decide on anything, yet having our minds full of knowing that they need to be made and being worried about it! Does that still make sense???

We will try and use today to organise those tortured minds a little.