Old Newspaper

We are renovating (annihilating) an old farmhouse and when everything was ripped out, we found this old newspaper stuck on the wall where the kitchen used to be. Its from 29 April 1959, so pretty much exactly 56 years ago (if my maths is correct!). Fun stuff!


PS I know the picture is upside down, but the paper was upside down on the wall!

Remarkable Words: Malarkey

I love the word ‘malarkey’. Every now and then I wonder where a word comes from and this is such a peculiar word, I thought I’d google the bastard.

The Oxford Dictionary describes it as:


Definition of malarkey in English:


Meaningless talk: nonsense: don’t give me that malarkey


It’s a word I do use, but I am sure I use it a little wrongly. I tend to say: What kind of malarkey is that? In my mind it means silly nonsense, I suppose. Not normal nonsense, silly, ridiculous nonsense. Not quite what the Oxford Dic says.

Its origins seem somewhat murky. Several websites I checked believe it to have originated in the US in the 1920s. It looks like an American English word to be sure, but I don’t associate it with Americanism (is that a word?).

Apparently Joe Biden (US Vice-President) used the word a few years back and claimed it had Irish origins. It could be, lots of folk of Irish descent in the US of A, so quite possible.

Anyway, after consulting Google, I am no closer to knowing where the word comes from. It may well remain a mystery. All I know I have been using it for years and will probably continue to do so, even if I probably use it incorrectly!

Earworm 29 Apr 15: ‘It Ain’t Over ‘Till It’s Over’ by Lenny Kravitz

I am actually quite pleased this is going round in my head at the moment. It was playing while I was in the shopping centre this morning buying some jeans and it just sticks around quite pleasantly.

I have always had a  soft spot for Lenny. He has always been pretty high on my ‘hot men’ list, if such a list actually exist in the wondrous world of my mind.  🙂

Does One Tweet? Apparently So!

I had a Twitter account, just never did much with it. Followed some comedians I liked and some things to do with horse racing, but that was about it. None of my friends seem to use it much. My husband does, but he is a computer programmer, so it is sort of expected.

I have decided to finally try and embrace this social media malarkey, only about what? Ten years late? I always tend to be late with things like that. I did not get a mobile phone until everybody else already had one and it took me ages to get myself a smart phone (I now love my Nexus 4 – is that one outdated yet?). I am really good at resisting technology it seems. It’s a skill right?

Anyway, so Twitter, yes, you better be scared… I will see if I can add some widget to the side of my blog page with tweety bits.


Earworm 28 Apr 15: ‘All These Things That I’ve Done’ by The Killers

Interesting that this is the song that I ended up with in my head today. I started out listening to Coldplay this morning (unusual for me), but this was queued up after that. My husband had probably been listening to The Killers whilst getting ready for work.

Of course, it was the ‘I got soul, but I’m not a soldier’ that I kept catching myself singing as I wrestled my way through a grumpy day!


Can’t believe the song is ten years old already…

Grumpy Mum, Grumpy Child

You can’t always be the perfect mother, I know that, but I am definitely a grumpy mum today.

My daughter is about to turn three and is having one of her grump days. She has always been a feisty child and I am secretly glad she is. I want her to grow up with a strong sense of self and what it is she wants. I am not looking to restrict that.

But…I am not feeling my best today and her warring with me all morning has worn me down, so I start shouting. Shouting never works and in my mind i know that, but somehow I cannot stop myself from turning up the volume when she just won’t listen to a word I say.

I know she has much of me in her and when you try to push authority on her she explodes. I was the same… and I still am to be honest. I cannot stand people telling me what to do or what to think. I can make up my own mind, thank you very much! I often wish some of my husband’s character had rubbed off on her as he is the extremely laid back type. He has to be to put up with me, ha! But no, she is me through and through…

Being a mother is one of the best things that has ever happened to me and I love my daughter more than I could express in words. Sometimes I look at her and my soul sings, I love her so incredibly much. She is a part of me like no other person could ever be.

So when I do shout at her or get really angry I feel guilty. I am a rather volatile person with little to no patience, but I feel I should be able to reign myself in a bit more. Worse is, I can already see her taking over these bad habits. Not good.

I really must find another way to deal with her defiance. Maybe next time I will try a sweet smile and some blackmail…

Record Collection: Coldplay – ‘A Rush Of Blood To The Head’ (2002)

Record - Rush Of Blood

I can’t remember whether it was me or my husband that brought this album into our house, but I suspect it was him, as it was released during my music void!

My opinion:

It was quite fashionable for a time to hate Coldplay. I never did. Never quite understood all the hatred really. I suspect it was simply because they got so big. They were never a band I was really into, as I never really felt the urge to see them live or anything, but I often seem to like their songs.

I do not tend to care what ‘celebrities’ do in their private lives, but as far as I can care to get into it this animosity towards Chris Martin is quite unjustified. I seems quite a funny guy, who just takes himself a little too seriously every now and then. Don’t we all?

Anyway, I felt like a bit of Coldplay this morning and decided to play ‘A Rush Of Blood…’. Good choice. I have not listened to it for a few years and I had forgotten how good it actually is. It has many of my favourite Coldplay songs on it, like ‘Clocks’ ‘Green Eyes’ and ‘The Scientist’. I am really enjoying it this morning!

One word to describe this record: 

Play it when… You feel relaxed

Songs  you need to hear: Clocks, The Scientist

Earworm 27 Apr 15: ‘Arcadia’ by Ash

Yep, I am still listening to Ash’s A-Z series. I am not surprised this particular tune is going round and round in my brain. I was playing the You Tube playlist for the A-Z series on the TV yesterday and my daughter (almost 3) loves the video for Arcadia so much, she wanted me to play it over and over for half an hour straight.

Of course, what’s not to like; It has space ships and really cool old school computer game graphics! I was pleasantly surprised, even after having it on loop for over half an hour, I still loved hearing (and seeing) it.  

Arcadia is probably my favourite tune at the moment and both me and my girl love the music video for it. Awesome job Ash (and video director Nico Jones)!